Che, suppose this is that tag u asked me to do.................
Layer One: On The Outside
Name: Ah Kenn
Birth Date: 5 APRIL 1987
Current status: single loh……..
Eye Colour: Brown
Hair Colour: Black I suppose
Righty or Lefty: Righty
Layer Two: On The Inside
Your Heritage: Mostly Chinese with some Indonesian roots
Your Fears: Cockroaches
Your Weaknesses: wussyness
Your Perfect Pizza: Cheese, pineapple, mayo with LOTSA meat (ham, bacon etc)
Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: I hate my lecturer
Your Bedtime: whenever it pleases me
Your Most Missed Memory: erm…erm…….feeling kinda greedy
Layer Four: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King
Single or Group Dates: Sadly inexperienced in this field
Adidas or Nike: can afford neither
Tea or Nestea: will make me shiver the whole day and lose lotsa precious sleep time
Chocolate or Vanilla: If ever there was a chocolate heaven!!
Cappuccino or Coffee: I act like a drug addict after caffeine………….
Layer Five: Do You...
Smoke: Hell yeah!! Cause I’m just way too hot!
Drink: Love it!! Alcoholic in the house!!!
Curse: After every sentence when my parents are not listening
Have a crush: Wow………ages and ages ago………….
Think you've been in love: Kinda confused, now what is what??
Go to school: Once upon a happy time. Yes.
Want to get married: Which dying rich old hag who’ll leave everything to me??
Believe in yourself: and nothing/no-one else.
Think you're a health freak: Couldn’t give a damn.
Layer Six: In The Past Month Have you...
Drank alcohol: Too many times for my own good.
Gone to the mall: Erm, that’s the sad thing bout Terengganu
Been on stage: When no one’s around? Yeah, just for the fun of it
Eaten sushi: Fuck Terengganu!!
Dyed your hair: Nah………..
Layer Seven: Have You Ever...
Played A Stripping Game: Shamefully, only with guys. *Rolls eyes and say: ‘and a hell lotsa fun that was……’*
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: Hehehehehehe
Layer Eight: You're Hoping To Be
Married: with someone who won’t mind me one bit
For a: laid back life, carefree life
Layer Nine: In a Boy (For guys, In a Gal)
Best Eye + Best Hair Color Combination: Black and black again
Short Hair or Long Hair: I dunno if I really even care…..
Layer Ten: What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago: Answering the last question
1 Hour Ago: Sawing wood
4.5 Hours Ago: Sawing wood
1 Month Ago: Terengganu
1 Year Ago: Terengganu
(Who remembers this stuff??)
Layer Eleven: Finish The Sentence
I Love: High tech gadgets
I Feel: exhausted
I Hate: people
I Hide: my secrets???
I Need: more money than I can spend
Layer Twelve: Tag Five People
don’t bother….I won’t read it. I did this since my sister asked me to…………….