Monday, September 24, 2007


Che, suppose this is that tag u asked me to do.................

Layer One: On The Outside
Name: Ah Kenn
Birth Date: 5 APRIL 1987
Current status: single loh……..
Eye Colour: Brown

Hair Colour: Black I suppose
Righty or Lefty: Righty

Layer Two: On The Inside
Your Heritage: Mostly Chinese with some Indonesian roots
Your Fears: Cockroaches
Your Weaknesses: wussyness
Your Perfect Pizza: Cheese, pineapple, mayo with LOTSA meat (ham, bacon etc)

Layer Three: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow
Your Thoughts First Waking Up: I hate my lecturer
Your Bedtime: whenever it pleases me
Your Most Missed Memory: erm…erm…….feeling kinda greedy

Layer Four: Your Pick
Pepsi or Coke: Coke
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King
Single or Group Dates: Sadly inexperienced in this field
Adidas or Nike: can afford neither

Tea or Nestea: will make me shiver the whole day and lose lotsa precious sleep time
Chocolate or Vanilla: If ever there was a chocolate heaven!!
Cappuccino or Coffee: I act like a drug addict after caffeine………….

Layer Five: Do You...
Smoke: Hell yeah!! Cause I’m just way too hot!
Drink: Love it!! Alcoholic in the house!!!
Curse: After every sentence when my parents are not listening

Have a crush: Wow………ages and ages ago………….
Think you've been in love: Kinda confused, now what is what??
Go to school: Once upon a happy time. Yes.

Want to get married: Which dying rich old hag who’ll leave everything to me??
Believe in yourself: and nothing/no-one else.
Think you're a health freak: Couldn’t give a damn.

Layer Six: In The Past Month Have you...
Drank alcohol: Too many times for my own good.
Gone to the mall: Erm, that’s the sad thing bout Terengganu
Been on stage: When no one’s around? Yeah, just for the fun of it
Eaten sushi: Fuck Terengganu!!
Dyed your hair: Nah………..

Layer Seven: Have You Ever...
Played A Stripping Game: Shamefully, only with guys. *Rolls eyes and say: ‘and a hell lotsa fun that was……’*
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: Hehehehehehe

Layer Eight: You're Hoping To Be
Married: with someone who won’t mind me one bit
For a: laid back life, carefree life

Layer Nine: In a Boy (For guys, In a Gal)
Best Eye + Best Hair Color Combination: Black and black again
Short Hair or Long Hair: I dunno if I really even care…..

Layer Ten: What Were You Doing
1 Min Ago: Answering the last question
1 Hour Ago: Sawing wood
4.5 Hours Ago: Sawing wood
1 Month Ago: Terengganu
1 Year Ago: Terengganu
(Who remembers this stuff??)

Layer Eleven: Finish The Sentence
I Love: High tech gadgets
I Feel: exhausted
I Hate: people
I Hide: my secrets???
I Need: more money than I can spend

Layer Twelve: Tag Five People
don’t bother….I won’t read it. I did this since my sister asked me to…………….

Friday, September 21, 2007

Sekayu Trip

Went to Sekayu for sampling, and all I can say is that we got bored..........

Yeah, we saw something u ppl cant see.



Ultraman C and Y to the rescue

And we took some videos.........

Hui, I heard ur comments.........

ps: if any of u find these videos offensive, please don't sue me.

Monday, September 17, 2007

Beat Boxing

Awesome eh??

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

PSP ver 3.11 Downgrader

Special thanks to Fanjita and the Noobz Team for coming up with this downgrader/HEN. I Owe u guys big time!!!! Also thanks to the members of the homebrew scene. U ppl rock!!!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Hari Peladang, Penternak dan Nelayan

A few weeks back, they had this
'Hari Peladang, Penternak dan Nelayan' exhibit at Pantai Batu Buruk in Kuala Terengganu.
So as a dedicated student of Fisheries, I had to check out the exhibit.
Partly cause I needed a sample of any puffer fish product to be used in my presentation.
My lecturer said that we might get lucky at the Sarawak booth cause it seems that they consume puffer fish unlike here at the Peninsular where puffer fish is treated as a by-catch in fisheries.
Another was I thought it would be just plain fun.
Terengganu can get boring............Despite me vouching for it all the time.

But instead of finding puffer fish.
I found that this exhibit was nothing more than a great show of balls .

Balls......more balls.....

small balls.....

long balls.....

short balls.....

fair balls.......

sagging balls......

polka dot balls......

hardly visible balls..........

weird shaped balls......

black balls........
and finally sharp balls.......

Don't ever mess with these farmers, cause they sure are full of balls.
Who knows what they are capable of doing in their ball charged furry?!?