Monday, June 9, 2008


I once said that I'd forget myself and pee in my pants,
if they'd make a movie outa Thundercats.
I'd like to add another to that list.


Came across this article on the net.
If it really happens, I swear to GOD I'll weep like a new born baby.

The last He-Man movie made was incidentally, in the year I was born.
I remember watching it ages ago when I still had my chicken pillow(or was it the cat pillow, I can't recall).
But I definitely still remember how much in awe I was of Teela He-Man.
N then of course, there were the cartoon series.

Damn, thinking back, I was lucking to be an 80's baby.
I mean, we had Thundercats, Transformers, He-Man, Voltron and so much more.
Should start making a list of cartoon's I've watched growing up.
Then go search for it and watch it all over again to appease the inner child in me.
What can I say?
I'm a big kid, raring to pop the lid!!
(I know that sounds corny but this is my blog, loathe and love baby!)


SillyTan said...


AhKenn said...

LOL! Why? Got a prob with it?

Anonymous said...

Wadeva la, ur blog wadd..

i lap u said...

u know?? 'he men meng' in thai means something like fxxk or wat.