Friday, March 30, 2007

Somebody Told Me

Somebody told me that based on her observation, she concluded that I'm the sort of guy who doesn't want a girl to rely on me. Says that I don't seem to want to sacrifice in a relationship.

Let me tell you the whole story, it started like this. With me telling her stories of my parents. Of how I know my dad worked his ass off all this years to support my family and how lucky my mum is having such a husband. Well, after hearing this story the girl said that I was suggesting that my dad suffered in having a relationship with my mother and that mum was the lucky one. But I totally disagree!! Because the thing is, I didn't tell her bout the part of my mother having to take care of the children when my dad didn't have time to take care of us, and all the other sacrifices that she made like the time when dad wasn't having much luck at work. I mean, mum was the one standing behind him all the while not blaming my dad for even one moment. So actually, my dad is also a very lucky man and I KNOW so.

Another thing that made this friend of mine think that I'm not willing to have a girl rely on me is that fact that I told her that I don't like younger girls, or rather I dislike immature girls. Well, the reason I gave was that I feel that I can hardly say I have a relationship if it is with a person who doesn't understand life like I do. But obviously, when I gave such a reason, it was taken the wrong way. She said it sounded like hated the thought of taking care of a girl.

So..............let me CLARIFY things here. First thing first, I don't believe in one sided sacrifices in a relationship. I believe, that for a relationship to work, both sides have to sacrifice. Thus, the reason why I prefer someone more matured. From experience, I have realized that matured people tend to be more sensible and understanding. That way, the relationship will be 2 ways not just one way. I mean, I want a relationship, not a 24 hour babysitting job!!!! Some guys may want a girl to take care of, but how long will that last? Till you're tired of always giving and not receiving? I mean, I know I'm human, and at the end of the day, no matter how tough I am, I still need support and I'm humble enough to accept being on the receiving end when that time comes. So, it's not that I don't want a girl that relies on me, not that I think that having a girl doing that is irritating. It's just that, at the end of the day, I want things to last and a one way relationship will die immediately when the heat is gone whereas a 2 way relationship will keep the fire burning till GOD KNOWS WHEN.


Adrina said...

Woah, wait a minute there. There are some serious flaws in the way you think. What makes you think 'immature' girls will only receive and not give in a relationship? And how do you classify a girl as being immature? Sometimes girls like this can be a lot more giving when it comes to relationships. I think you're stereotyping. You already have that perception in your head and it's hard for you to accept new ideas in this area unless you experience it yourself. Just my two cents...

Adrina said...

And sorry if I sounded harsh yea =p

AhKenn said...

Well, 2 cents appreciated!! Lol, thanks for the advice!! But well, I might add lah, probably I don't communicate well with people on a different wavelength. N to define immature, maybe not immature more like someone less matured than me which does not necessarily mean childish. Hmmmmm, u have a point though bout the giving part.....I'll think about it.