Wednesday, June 27, 2007


Bottles are empty,
Heads are light,
It time to leave,
As me and the lads say our goodbyes,
And drive into the dark,
Heading home after a long night's partying,
Zooming on the highway,
Avoiding the sparse traffic at such hours,
The occasional flash of neon lights from the opposite blinds my eyes,
Adding pain to my already pounding brain,
Slowly as I nearly reach home,
I see a light unlike that emitted from other vehicles,
Start to brighten not only the road but also the sky,
As I hastily turn the last conner into my lane,
Finally pulling up in front of my house,
I raced from the car to the gates,
Letting myself in with the keys with much urgency,
Badly needing to sleep after such a long night,
It almost seems as though I was a vampire,
Afraid of the approaching dawn,
As I make my way up to my room,
I felt like I was racing against the coming of light,
Racing to shut the door,
And close the curtains,
Before the first sun light of day could shine in,
Despite being dirty and foul smelling,
I turned on the air conditioner,
And threw myself on my bed,
As everything outside burst to life with light,
I cuddled comfortably under my comforter,
And almost instantly fell into a deep slumber,
Which would last till night befall again.

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