1. 被點到名字的要在自己的博客裏寫下自己的答案,
完成遊戲的人將會永遠得到大家的祝福。(又是这种无聊的东西 -.-|||)
2. 這6個人要在自己的博客裏注明是在哪裹接到題的,
3. 回答過的人,再次收到,可以選擇不答.
Q1: 如果看到自己最愛的人熟睡在你面前你會做什麼?
A1: keep down the noise so the fella can continue sleeping?
Q2: 寫首自己最最喜愛的歌?
A2: erm.............hard choice..................but currently it's 'here tonight' by hale
Q3: 當你最不知道穿什麼顏色的時候,你會選擇什麼顏色?
A3: something that matches? maybe black
Q4: 2006年你最後悔的一件事是什麼?
A4: erm.......last year....forgot....
Q5: 曾經有過最被感動的事是什麼?
A5: seeing people giving everything helping others....cause I just cant do it.
Q6: 比較喜歡爸爸還是媽媽?
A6: makes no difference I suppose。
Q7: 你最想要的5樣東西是什麼?
A7: there's only one thing i want.......getting what i want whenever i want it.
Q8: 最後一次發自內心的笑是什麼時候 ?
A8: people actually keep track of that?
Q9: 如果給你一個機會去世界上任何一個地方旅行,是哪里 ?
A9: japan, and it's Tokyo fish market.
Q10: 如果時間能倒流你希望回到哪一天?
A10:hmm.......secondary school? had the most fun then.
Q11: 最想實現的三個願望是什麼?
A11: I'm too greedy to be tied down to just 3 wishes.
Q12: 我在你眼裏什麼樣 ?
A12: noisy, very very noisy.
Q13: 如果讓你擁有一種超能力,你願意擁有什麼呢?為什麼?
A13: mind control......telepathy......something like what Prof Xavier has but ten times more powerful and that I dont end up in a wheel chair.
Q14: 最喜歡哪部電影?
A14: All time fav? LOTR!!! Thought things like the notebook and the butterfly effect did leave a very deep impression.
Q15: 與喜歡的人見面,想要穿成什麼樣?
A15: obviously something that person feels comfortable with lah。
Q16. 你喜不喜歡我?
A16.oh yeah, totally! thought u get a little irritating sometimes。
Q17: 如何向喜歡的人表白?
A17: lol, if i were to be very very selfish, most of the time i would just tell the person straight。
Q18: 如果你愛的人不愛你怎麼辦?
A18: well, it's like...whatever right??!d
Q19: 你會選擇having *** before marriage嗎?
A19: lol, undecided really!!
Q20: 世界末日,你會倖存,並且你可以救一個人,你會怎麼做?
A20: erm...............save the most gorgeous girl who wont mind living all eternity alone with me?
either that or someone who'll be great to hang out with.
Q21: 你在乎別人看你的眼光嗎?會因眾人反對放棄想要的人事物嗎?
A21: All I can say is fuck off, I do what I like and when I like it. Other people's opinion count only when I make it count.
Q22: 想要擁有一個怎樣的聖誕?
A22: One with actual snow.
Q23: 如果我們不認識 ... 你還想和我做朋友麼 ?
A23: huh? I think I wouldnt have a choice. U so noisy it's hard to miss.
Q24: 對我的第一印象和現在的感覺 ?
A24: U were trying to hit me with a stick, now u tell me!!?
Q25: 你的他(她)遲到多久你會等?
A25: erm, as long as I'm still interested. Once the feeling fades, I suppose it's bye bye。
Q26: 在什麼時候會想到我 ?
A26: When I listen to lee hom?
Q27: 2007年最想幹什麼?
A27: Get rich。
Q28: 如果有天你死了,希望是什麼死法?
A28: Something dramatic yet not painful, sorta know I'm gonna die and like I'm leaving all my last words, insulting those bastards I hate and then shutting my eyes just like that with a smile on my face。Sorta happy cause all the lousy bastards still have to struggle with life.
Q29: 你愛的人沒錢,你還會嫁給他麼?還是找愛你而且很有錢的人?
A29: erm, well lets put it this way. I feel what counts is the future. The important thing if the fella has a future. I dont care if the fella's rich now! If the fellas gonna use up her fortune like in a blink of an eye. What's the difference between her and a poor person?!?!
Q30: 朋友到底是怎樣的?
A30: Dude u can hang out with and make u actually dont feel like going home.
Q31: 如何拒絕追求你的人?
A31: unless the fella comes up to me and says something out loud. I'll act dumb. If the fella actually has the guts to come up and say something, then well, I'll respect the fella and tell the fella the truth. Harsh or not that's one thing, but at least I showed u the respect u deserved by answering ur questions.
Q32: 最想做什麼動物?
A32: clown fish。
Q33: 你和女(男)朋友在路上碰到你以前的女(男)朋友,你會怎麼辦 ?
A33: I dont think that'll be a prob, I'm friends with everyone!
Q34: 覺得一直和一個人呆在一起會有一天厭倦嗎?(朋友或戀人)
A34: er.............i doubt i'll be bored, i can sit all day watching the wall and not feel bored.
Q35: 鬱悶的時候怎麼辦?
A35: listen to songs?
Q36: 最適合你發呆的地方?
A36: on my couch。
Q37: 你心目中理想的愛人是什麼樣子呢?
A37: i dont really set standards.
Q38: 你相信一見鍾情還是日久生情啊?
A38: both。
Q39: 在你的生命中,是友情勝過愛情,還是愛情勝過友情?為什麼?
A39: lol, sorry man the girl wins.
Q40: 最想要的公司福利是怎麼樣的?
A40: 12 months no pay leave per year?
Q41: 願意離開家到很遠的地方去追尋幸福嗎?
A41: no prob.
Q42: 你在大家面前和自己一個人時,差別有多大?
A42: suppose with alot less expression. I mean, can u imagine me laughing alone? that's sick.....unless i read a joke or was watching comedy.
Q43: 下面兩樣你更喜歡哪個?雪山還是大海
A43: the sea。
Q44: 你最崇拜誰,理由?
A44: myself, cause I was born great。
Q45: 如果胡錦濤讓位給你...你想如何改造中國?
A45: kick all the guys out and leave the pretty girls all for myself? I'm a horny dictator。
Q46: 如果你坐在一個面朝大海的窗前,有一個寫字臺,上面有一張紙一支筆,你想寫給誰,寫些什麼?
A46: I'll write something for myself, a poem maybe.........
Q47: 迄今為止,你幹過最尷尬的事是什麼?
A47: er...............hahaha driving half naked trying to put on my shirt when i bump into the front car and everyone nearby turned and looked?
Q48: 假如能選擇兩個日期(出生和死亡) 你會分別選擇? why?
A48: i'm fine with my b'day.....date to die..........maybe something with a 666 to it...sign of the devil. Wouldnt that be devilishly wicked?
Q49: 你覺得曖昧是一種幸福嗎?
A49: no, totally not.....it's tiring for goodness sake。
Q50: 你覺得跟我認識是相見恨早還是相見恨晚 ?
A50: well, makes no difference. u'll be just as noisy.........
Q51: 你被我點名的時侯 ,有咩感覺 ?
A51: felt kinda lazy............cause so many questions.....see, I so lazy untill didnt even bother to answer in mandarin.
Q52: 可以變身的話希望變成什麼?
Q52: invisible。
Q53: 你覺得男人跟公狗這兩種生物,有沒有什麼差異之處?
A53: if it were the same, why the hell give it a different name in the first place?
Q54: 你覺得呢個世界奸人多定好人多呢?咁點算好呀?
A54:nice people are hard to meet。and what's nice u say? I dunno, it's more of a feeling than anything else to me.
Q55: 如果你有10蚊澳門幣會做d乜?
A55: keep it till i need it?
Q56: 形容一下中國人...
A56: best in the world!!!!
Q57: 由初戀到 e+ 最深刻係那一段感情 ?
A57: er, no experience dont ask.
Q58: 你覺得自己的異性緣強嗎 ?
A58: so so lah...................
Q59: 請說出一個秘密...
A59: I hate all men. competition............
Q60: 對上一次內疚係做咩事?咩原因 ?
A60: er........why the hell would i ever feel guilty?
Q61: 有咩係你認為自己錯過左架呢?
A61: didnt play and study hard enough in secondary school. was always holding back on playing cause i felt bad and well....didnt really like studying.
Q62: 呢一個moment最想食ge係咩呢?(因為我好肚餓)
A62: when i'm hungry loh.....which happens quite often..........and i'll eat almost anything.
Q63: 我點你的原因...?
A63: a little confused?
Q64: 去廁所冇廁紙點算 ?
A64: i use water loh
Q65: 你大便後發現沒水沖?外面一大班人等著,你會 ?
A65: hahaha.....er......how leh.....dont care? lol!!!
Q66: 你最想了解你邊個朋友,原因?
A66: i dont really need to understand.......i just accept..........
Q67: 有冇比朋友出賣過?
A67: er....if got also i dont know bout it。
Q68: 現在覺得初戀情人在自己心中有乜地位?
A68: erm....stand for nothing.
Q69: 問女仔: 你鐘意男人有錢, 靚仔還是有學識?
(問男仔: 你鐘意女仔樣靚但身材差 or 有身材個樣衰呀?)
A69: I prefer a pretty face.
Q70: 問女仔: 如果你被搞大個肚, 你會點做?
(問男仔: 你搞大你女友個肚, 你會點做?)
A70: Be a man and be responsible bout it.
Q71: 如果給十億你,你會點樣用?
A71: give it to me and then u'll know.
Q72: 如果你對某人好好,但他良心當狗肺,你會點?
A72: lol, the bastard....will rot in hell。I'll just somehow forget how to be nice to that person anymore.
Q73: 你見到男友或女友同另外一人做愛做的事...你會做D咩?
A73: wait...did it happen when she's with me or what? and well, i guess we really need to talk.
Q74: 你最自豪的事?
A74: erm...........my whole existence?
Q75: 你突然很富有了,會不會...請我做事?
A75: only if i need you。
Q76: 你地覺得我為人怎樣啊?
A76: lets just say that u're a mess when u get emotionally disturbed。Need to fix ur own issues before I'll say u're truly truly nice.
Q77: 情人要求做愛但無安全套,附近亦無便利商店,願意冒險?
A77: lol, whats there to be shy off and well, dont think i'll risk it without protection?
Q78: 甚麼事情會讓你覺得幸福?
A78: a reassuring smile from the right people when I'm in doubt.
Q79: 初吻還在嗎?
A79: sadly to say.....damn。
Q80: 如果有一天,我快死了,你會對我說什麼?
A80: go with a smile!
Q81: 如果,你變成我了,你會...
A81: nope, i'll never ever wish i was a girl!!
Q82: 如何让自己更了解自己?
A82: it needs effort?
Q83: 要大方车还是大屋子?
A83:big house to keep all my cool gadgets that i'll someday get.
A84: Jessica Alba, lol............................nah....when i'm bored i dont think of someone.....i think of a whole gang of friends....and futsal/football............